12 August 2010

Discos 2010

Discos Calientes is this weekend: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AmeLsG3nk9lMdGNUTTUxUzhFN3FsXzlOMWtpeVBJSWc&hl=en&authkey=CNyR0oEH#gid=0
We are in a pool with Seduction... and 3 other teams that I have no idea about. But really I don't know who any of the teams at this tournament are. All I do know for sure is that it will be hot, and that we have the worst possible schedule. Most of us won't be arriving till well after midnight, and we have a first round game. Then we play late on Sunday, which means most of us won't get back to So Cal till well after midnight. Oh well.

My fever finally broke today, so I should actually be healthy enough to play. I've been sick since Venus left last Thursday. A week. Usually I'm only sick for 2-3 days. Oh well.

I took a page out of 808's book. New team, new role, new number. 

PS. Good luck to Polar Bears, Safari, Streetgang and Metro this weekend at ECC. Make some highlights for me to watch on Ultivillage.