30 December 2009

The Weekend Part 1: Great Goonie Gettaway + OC Sunday Pickup

The last few days have been pretty awesome so I figured that I would document them for posterity's sake. :)

I guess it all started on Saturday after I picked up Grip from John Wayne at 430. Then went to dinner at Island's with her, Annie, Elmo, and baby Elmo (her brother Frank.) That of course was a fun filled time (besides the uncomfortably expensive pint of Hawaiian Lager.)
Anyways, then it was time for the Great Goonie Getaway at the Goonie's House (of course.) It was a little weird partying there with almost none of the Irvine crew, but at least Khosh had finally made his return. Plus Andrew 'Coppa' was there, so that was pretty awesome (Andrew^2.) Fish and I beat Annie and Elaine early on to dash their hopes of making the wall, but Coppa and I went 0fer on the night (sad face). All in all a good night partying, spent the night there that night.

Sunday morning some of the girls made pancakes and hashbrowns and little breakfast weenies then we all went to OC pickup for some ultimate action. There was a pretty large crowd there (mostly young guys again.) I love pickup during winter break because it seems that most of the old geezers are busy, and all of the young college guys are back in town so it's actually competitive. Big surprise to see Goldmember for the first time in over a year as he was back from Australia visiting during his holiday break. 808 also showed up to play, and for some reason I always play harder with 808 on my team. Put in some good effort in the game. Meeko also graced us with a surprise visit on her way back from her home in Santa Clarita. I'll try not to give away the whole story, but I will say that she didn't get back to SD till today.
After pickup Meeko and Sam went back to JSS to hang out and watch football while a couple of us went to hit up Tap Ex for some delicious boba (and some squid balls for TK.) Then most of us went over to Sam's to watch the game. While watching football and generally hanging out I mentioned to Meeko that I had yet to see Avatar, so we made plans to go see it Monday, which meant she had to stick around for at least one more day (keep in mind, I think it was her original plan to drop by in Irvine just for a few hours to hang out, then continue on her way to SD.) Plus there was Rocketsauce pickup Monday night, so Meeko decided to stay. Hooray.
Iris, Meeko and I also went to go pickup Allen from John Wayne while blasting Taylor Swift the entire time. And Del Taco ("Absolutely not!" haha).
So I finally went home Sunday night after not being home for close to two days.

07 December 2009


I love the rain.
But I hate when it ruins my Ultimate plans.

06 December 2009

All I Want for Christmas

Is this:
Then my computer will be almost fixed. Now I just need to figure out this dead monitor issue.